Explore projects
Carlo Nicolini / paco
OtherPaco is a tool to build solvers and optimize quality functions on graphs for community detection.
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This is the project for a demo to let iCub guess which letter/word the user writes on its skin.
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HRII - PUBLIC / open_vico_msgs
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
HRII - PUBLIC / open_vico
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0An open-source Gazebo toolkit for multi-vision-based skeleton tracking in human-robot collaboration.
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HRII - PUBLIC / open_vico_openpose
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This project is meant to implement a model to provide the iCub robot with addressee estimation skill through a classifier based on hybrid deep learning neural network.
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This repository contains the codes for a HRI experiment with iCub that consists in drawing together with the robot.
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